conducting Community Led Sexual Reproductive Health
Multi Integrated Support (MIS) Ethiopia is currently conducting Community Led Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) initiatives in Bullen Woreda, Metekel Zone, Benishangul Gumuz Regional State in selected Kebelles. To contribute towards the achievement of the community social empowerment, MIS Ethiopia is working with the woreda Health department and Women Youth and Children Office jointly using community conversation as a major Behavioral Change Communication (BCC) tool. The communities i.e. women and men discuss on the Integrated SRH problems in their locality. Finally after intensive sessions they come up with solutions, draft and approve a binding by law to combat activities that sets back the community development. To make it more impact-full continuous training and knowledge building are conducted so as to make targets especially women make informed decisions on their SRH.
Lets allow the community to discuss their problems and come up with local and friendly solutions! MIS Ethiopia