Monday, January 20, 2025
EducationNewsSuccess Story

Most Significant Change story in education

“Enhancing Headways”

Multi Integrated Support /MIS/ implemented the project entitled “Enhancing the Networking and Advocacy Capacity of Local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) towards the Inclusion of Social Minorities” at Benishangule Gumuz Regional State, which founds 120 km apart from Assosa, hard –to- reach area known as Mao Komo Special Wereda, this wereda consists of 33 kebeles have 50,061population and one coordination city known as “Tongo”. Tongo has two kebels, 01 and 02. It’s rounded by Taja Jelesi, Wanga Gitan, Shoshor Buttii and Weyitse Wodessa rural kebeles. In Tongo there is one health centre, a Kinder Garden, Primary and one High school. This project was assisted by CSSP2 through Non –State Actors Coalition.  

The overall objectives of the project were: –

  • To contribute towards inclusive, accountable and responsive governance in addressing issues and concerns of social minority groups.
  • Enhancing the capacity of local CSOs, media, CBOs, FBOs, and local governments to address the issues of social minorities.
  • Improving partnership and engagement between CSOs, government, media and citizen to address the issues and concerns of social minority groups

Based on the project objectives and as per the project design MIS established a Monitoring Committee with woreda level stakeholders to support minority issues in relation to social services, basically, Health and Education. Having different experience from different back ground they add values being indispensable. CSSP2 project intervention creates an access to deal with religious leaders, Community Care and Coalition structure (CCC) and government service providers.  Through capacitating the community members and government service providers by having Citizen Voice and Action /CVA/ training and taking all this fertile ground, the committee and the community at large done great achievements on the service of Health and Education.  

According to Sadik Mohammedsale’s view “In the community side the CVA training goes to create demand and they try to exercise their rights specially minority groups. By another crosswise the service providers develop accountability. They start to report to the established platform and community’s participation become noticeable to alleviate the health centre and Aba Harun primary school service problems.

In his view empowering communities allow to influence the quality, efficiency and accountability of public services. The innovative solution is here, Citizen and Government engagement through CVA training creates an opportunity to discuss and take action about service delivery and inclusion of minorities. Now, they work together and by creating engagement, they develop common shared values “to enhance public services”. Consequently, the following major results were achieved:

By collaborating with the community and the woreda the “Monitoring Committee Members” has built 7 new classrooms and 4 classrooms were under construction. This will lower the number of students to a classroom ratio in order to meet the standard. Additionally, this leads to overcome the challenges of COVID -19 pandemic in relation to social distance. 

Figure 1 new classrooms constructed by the community.
Figure 1 new classrooms constructed by the community.
Figure 1 new classrooms constructed by the community.
Figure 1 new classrooms constructed by the community.

Through recognizing the Monitoring Committee’s effort the Woreda Education Office also supports the school by constructing additional one block, four class rooms, to motivate the efforts of the Monitoring Committee. 

Figure 2 New classrooms which are under construction by the support of Woreda Education Office
Figure 2 New classrooms which are under construction by the support of Woreda Education Office

By working together with the community and Monitoring committee members has provide 35 new desks and the woreda Education office has donated another 50 new desks to the school to recognize the Monitoring Committee effort.


Figure 3 Thirty-five desks were made by the community  
Figure 3 Thirty-five desks were made by the community  

















Figure 4: Fifty new desks that are provided by Woreda Education Office
Figure 4: Fifty new desks that are provided by Woreda Education Office


Note: For further, please find the Video link


By interacting with different civil society organizations that operate in the woreda the Monitoring Committee members got a wheelchair donation in order to assist Asima Mustefa, grade 6 student at Aba Haron primary school, who cannot walk and properly attend her education. Thanks to CSSP2 project and the Monitoring Committee she got a new wheelchair, which is very supportive to enhance her schooling.

Figure 5: Asima Mustefa
Figure 5: Asima Mustefa


Note: For further, please find the Video link


The Monitoring Committee Members has followed and supported the school progress. Based on the follow up and the support the school has been installed a new clean water line and new separate toilet for girls has also been built to address a better WASH services at school

Figure 6 new clean water line and separate toilet
Figure 6 new clean water line and separate toilet