Monday, January 20, 2025

Health and Nutrition

With this program, MIS is mainly engaged in areas of HIV and AIDS, reproductive health and maternal care, unwanted pregnancy, integrated community-based family planning, harmful traditional practices, improving nutritional status and care for orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Especially the areas related to reproductive health, family planning, harmful traditional practices, prevention and control of HIV and AIDS and water sanitation and hygiene are the special priority of MIS. Accordingly, MIS had successfully implemented two projects on prevention of HIV/AIDS, care and support and Mother & Child Health (MCH). In the care and support project which was implemented in Oromia region, voluntary counselling and testing, referral linkage, awareness creation, community dialogue, different trainings, income generating activities for survival sex workers were the major focuses. In the second project the major objective was to raise the awareness of the community on family planning, maternal and child health in Benshangul Gumuz Region.

Health and Nutrition1Health and Nutrition